Over the course of 10 years, Boardwalk Homecare has developed a Case Management Approach to home care focused on the following principles:
• Be Compassionate, for Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Harder Battle – Help families overcome the stress involved with arranging for elder care on behalf of a loved one.
• If You Want to Do Great Things, Take the Time to Educate - Help families make elder care decisions based on presenting ALL options, merit, suitability and sustainability and NOT by steering them towards a specific provider agenda.
• Better Manage Continuity of Care Through Case Coordination – Help families obtain peace of mind by assigning dedicated case managers to ensure the safety and well-being of their loved ones.
Licensed in New Jersey as a Health Care Service Firm, Boardwalk Homecare’s operation provides much more than the state requires. Boardwalk Homecare’s case managers are proficient at improving communication, education and support for patients planning to return home.
“No other home care provider has made this kind of commitment in supporting not only the initial urgency but more importantly the ongoing responsibility a family faces with managing home care services,” said Brendan Watson, Co-Owner of Boardwalk Homecare. “Discharge planning can be very time-consuming and a patient’s success is typically left to their own devices once they are back home. Boardwalk Homecare’s Case Management Approach addresses both of these needs.”
Boardwalk Homecare looks to build upon their success with live-in care and expand hourly services throughout Monmouth County. Dedicated case managers will continue to play a critical role in providing ongoing education and support to any family exploring home care services.
To simplify the process even further for discharge planners, patients and their families, Boardwalk Homecare does not require ‘minimums’ and has adopted a single flat rate for hourly services.
For more information or to request literature, please contact Boardwalk Homecare.
Company Contact
Brendan Watson, Owner